Dr. Asun Valiente presented a conference entitled "Metal sculptures in Mollet del Vallès: materials, techniques and curiosities" (Escultures metàl·liques a Mollet del Vallès: materials, tècniques i curiositats). The conference was presented as part of the XVI Conference organised by CEM (XVI Jornades del Centre d'Estudis Molletans). The novelty of this research is the technical focusing on the metal artwork pieces in the city. Why these alloys were used, which manufacturing techniques were employed (welding, bending, cutting...), which protective mechanisms and techniques? But also, some interesting curiosities and secrets hidden by these sculptures are revealed.
In January 2014, CEM (Centre d'Estudis Molletans) issued the number 29 of its annual journal "Notes". It includes the conference paper on metal sculptures presented by Dr. María Asunción Valiente. Download.