Book publication - May 2015

The book entitled "Guia de les escultures de Mollet del Vallès. Metalls, tècniques i curiositats" by Asunción Valiente was issued on the 6th of May 2015.
This publication presents a comprehensive study on the current 35 metal artwork pieces located in public spaces of Mollet del Vallès. The sculptures are described from a technical perspective: metallic alloys, joining techniques and protective mechanisms against corrosion are described. However, this research also reveals interesting curiosities and secrets hidden by these sculptures. The information is organised in clear datasheets, where the technical details from the experimental observation and from the official technical project reports are summarised. The symbolisms, anecdotes and curiosities included in this work were gathered during fruitful conversations with authors, authorities and companies involved in the execution of the metal works. The main aim of this work is to invite the reader to stroll into town, to rediscover our heritage, to appreciate it and to make new generations love it. 
It can be free downloaded from the "Col.lecció Vicenç Plantada" chapter in the City Council Website.